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Traveling Replica Vietnam Wall that heals

Our Traveling Replica Vietnam Wall that heals is the oldest of all of them, with a design and likeness to the original Wall in Washington D.C. Our original concept and design was started right after the dedication ceremonies of the actual Vietnam Memorial Wall in D.C. in 1982. Our Founder, John Devitt, with a group of people came up with the idea and implementation within 2 years. Our first display of The Moving Wall was in Tyler, Texas in 1984.

Over the years we have witnessed so many people from all walks of life visiting our replica of the Vietnam Wall.

Probably the most rewarding part of displaying our wall throughout this great land of ours is the thanks and gratitude we receive when people come to our display. We know it is a very sad and somber occasion. However, the tears we have witnessed also help the visitors heal from the loss of a son, daughter, wife, dad, mother, cousin, nephew, niece, grandmother, grandfather or just a neighbor that they knew went off to war - never to return.

Our traveling replica Vietnam Wall that heals is just that. We can never bring any soldier back. But physically seeing and touching and even rubbing a deceased ones name on our wall has a tendency to heal that survivor who remained here in the states, while that loved one went off to war, never to return. 

For many of us, we could never afford to travel to Washington, D.C. to see the actual Vietnam War Memorial. This has always been a void in a soldier's family or loved ones. That's why we knew it was too important - we had to provide that necessary step in the grieving process to help our survivors back home. 

Our first replica of the Vietnam Warr Memorial has been updated and improved over the 40+ years it has been traveling from Florida to Alaska to Hawaii, to Maine, to Arizona and every state in between! Now, the assembly and disassembly of this Moving Wall is easier to accomplish. The 70 panels on each side of the apex are designed in such a way that the wall can literally be setup or removed within hours. 

Rubbing of a Name on The Moving Wall

The names on The Moving Wall are all laser etched into this special material. It is so fulfilling when we see a person find the name they are looking for and then do a "rubbing" of that name for their own personal history. We all know this ceremony is symbolical for that person. However, it will always help that person heal and feel a sense of closure for their loss of that loved one that they knew. Healing is such a heartfelt emotion.

We just knew we had to help. It has been the Mission of The Moving Wall ever since. We do our best every year to accomplish as many requests as we get to have our Traveling Replica Vietnam War that heals visit as many communities as possible.

We understand how important this whole process is for many of our citizens throughout our country. We hope you'll give us the honor of visiting your town, city or community with The Moving Wall.